Portrait of Adam Campbell - GORE-TEX Brand Ambassador

    Adam Campbell

    Mountain Athlete

    A Tale of Endurance and Perseverance

    Adam Campbell finds his stride in the alpine, fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a love for challenging, human-powered adventures. Through triumphs and challenges, Adam's commitment to pushing boundaries in ultrarunning and alpine sports inspires adventurers worldwide.

    A Few Minutes with Adam
    Tell us about Yourself

    My name is Adam Campbell. I am a mountain athlete based in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. I am deeply curious and love human-powered adventures in wild spaces.

    What do you love about GORE-TEX products?

    I like the reliability and predictability of GORE-TEX products. They allow me to stay out longer, go higher and stay drier!

    What is your favorite place and why?

    Anywhere with a nice view and a little hard to get to.

    What are your hobbies besides your main passion?

    I love reading and writing.

    What else is on your bucket list?

    To write a book, cross the Himalayas, and sail the Pacific.


    What is your personal wisdom; what would you like to share with the world? 

    Stay curious, open, humble, and adventurous; it’s the fountain of youth.

    Which three words describe yourself?

    Curious, multi-faceted, and shorter in real life.

    What one item should never be missing when you’re on top of a mountain?

    A sense of appreciation and gratitude.

    Connect with Adam


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